Equipment Lists
1. First Aid Kit – This item can and should be made by the Scout himself. Although a purchased kit could make a good start. It should include:
- Adhesive bandages (6)
- Sterile Gauze 4 X 4 (2)
- Tape small roll (1)
- Moleskin 3 X 6 (1)
- Soap (1)
- Antiseptic Tube (1)
- Scissors (1)
- Latex Gloves (1)
- Mouth Barrier (1)
- Eye Protection (1)
- Pencil & Paper (1)
All items can be stored in a plastic Zip lock bag to keep them dry.
2. Pocket Knife – Blades over 6 inches are disallowed. Swiss army or Leatherman/Gerber type tool. Pay a little more now could mean not having to buy another one.
3. Extra Clothing – depending on the time of year the location of the outing and the activity. Use common sense, but in Colorado, consider a jacket, gloves, and a hat.
4. Rain Gear – A lightweight waterproof jacket is best. This item also doubles as an extra piece of clothing. A poncho is also a good rain jacket it may be a bit on the large side. A poncho can also double as a shelter. A LARGE trash bag also works well for many uses to include a rain jacket.
5. Water bottle – Your bottle should hold at least 1 Quart. Write you name on it.
6. Flashlight – Or headlamp with spare batteries.
7. Food – A small bag of gorp, a few pieces of hard candy, a few crackers and a packet of drink mix. In the winter time, add a small cup and some soup mix with some rice.
8. Fire Starter – a small disposable lighter is the best it can provide 100s of lights and even when the fuel is all gone the lighter will still provide a spark that can be used to start a fire. Once wet it can be dried and used again and again.
9. Sun Protection – Always carry (and use) a small bottle of sun screen.
10. Map and Compass – Self explanatory.
- Troop (green) or Camp T-Shirts
- Handkerchiefs
- Socks (3-5 pair)
- Sweater or jacket
- Swim trunks
- Raincoat or poncho
- Underwear
- Hiking shoes and tennis shoes
- Bath towel and soap with dish
- Shower shoes/ Flip Flops
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Comb or brush
- Plate, bowl, CUP (carried at all times), eating utensils.
- Brimmed hat for sum
- Water bottle/canteen
- Sleeping bag
- Cot or sleeping pad
- Flashlight (extra batteries)
- Compass
- Tent, a minimum of two boys per tent
- Sleeping garments: Polypro is BETTER THAN COTTON even inside sleeping bag
- Boy Scout Handbook
- Notebook paper and pencil or pen
- Quick-Dri pants (NO COTTON jeans, sweats, Scout pants, etc.)
- Insect repellent (NO AEROSOL cans)
- Hat or cap
- Sunscreen
- Pocket knife (tot’n chip)
- Sun glasses, lip salve, suntan lotion (all required)
- Gear sack or pack to put it all in.
- Day pack (with 10 Essentials)
* All clothing and equipment should be clearly marked with your name and troop number. DO NOT BRING VALUABLES TO CAMP!