Equipment Lists


1. First Aid Kit – This item can and should be made by the Scout himself. Although a purchased kit could make a good start. It should include:

  • Adhesive bandages (6)
  • Sterile Gauze 4 X 4 (2)
  • Tape small roll (1)
  • Moleskin 3 X 6 (1)
  • Soap (1)
  • Antiseptic Tube (1)
  • Scissors (1)
  • Latex Gloves (1)
  • Mouth Barrier (1)
  • Eye Protection (1)
  • Pencil & Paper (1)

All items can be stored in a plastic Zip lock bag to keep them dry.

2. Pocket Knife – Blades over 6 inches are disallowed. Swiss army or Leatherman/Gerber type tool. Pay a little more now could mean not having to buy another one.

3. Extra Clothing – depending on the time of year the location of the outing and the activity. Use common sense, but in Colorado, consider a jacket, gloves, and a hat.

4. Rain Gear – A lightweight waterproof jacket is best. This item also doubles as an extra piece of clothing. A poncho is also a good rain jacket it may be a bit on the large side. A poncho can also double as a shelter. A LARGE trash bag also works well for many uses to include a rain jacket.

5. Water bottle – Your bottle should hold at least 1 Quart. Write you name on it.

6. Flashlight – Or headlamp with spare batteries.

7. Food – A small bag of gorp, a few pieces of hard candy, a few crackers and a packet of drink mix. In the winter time, add a small cup and some soup mix with some rice.

8. Fire Starter – a small disposable lighter is the best it can provide 100s of lights and even when the fuel is all gone the lighter will still provide a spark that can be used to start a fire. Once wet it can be dried and used again and again.

9. Sun Protection – Always carry (and use) a small bottle of sun screen.

10. Map and Compass – Self explanatory.


  1. Troop (green) or Camp T-Shirts
  2. Handkerchiefs
  3. Socks (3-5 pair)
  4. Sweater or jacket
  5. Swim trunks
  6. Raincoat or poncho
  7. Underwear
  8. Hiking shoes and tennis shoes
  9. Bath towel and soap with dish
  10. Shower shoes/ Flip Flops
  11. Toothbrush and toothpaste
  12. Comb or brush
  13. Plate, bowl, CUP (carried at all times), eating utensils.
  14. Brimmed hat for sum
  15. Water bottle/canteen
  16. Sleeping bag
  17. Cot or sleeping pad
  18. Flashlight (extra batteries)
  19. Compass
  20. Tent, a minimum of two boys per tent
  21. Sleeping garments: Polypro is BETTER THAN COTTON even inside sleeping bag
  22. Boy Scout Handbook
  23. Notebook paper and pencil or pen
  24. Quick-Dri pants (NO COTTON jeans, sweats, Scout pants, etc.)
  25. Insect repellent (NO AEROSOL cans)
  26. Hat or cap
  27. Sunscreen
  29. Pocket knife (tot’n chip)
  30. Sun glasses, lip salve, suntan lotion (all required)
  31. Gear sack or pack to put it all in.
  32. Day pack (with 10 Essentials)

* All clothing and equipment should be clearly marked with your name and troop number. DO NOT BRING VALUABLES TO CAMP!

WINTER CAMPING LIST and more information on Winter Camping