Orientation Material and Expectations

New Scout and Parent Orientation Information

All new scouts and their families should review the material below:

New Scout and Parent Orientation Material 2019.pdf


As members of the Troop - both scouts and parents - we have certain expectations for each other.  These expectations have to do with information, scout participation, and parent participation.


No. 1.  Keep Yourself Informed

For the scouts and parents, we expect you to keep yourself informed about troop meetings, activities, signup deadlines, and other matters.  For this purpose, we use:

Please take just 10 minutes every week - Sunday evening works best for most - to inform yourself about what is happening in our Troop.  Parents, come in at the end of meetings to join.


No. 2.  Scouts Need to Participate

In order for you to have a meaningful scout experience and to advance in rank.  Here are our expectations:

No. 3.  Parent Participation

With a scout in the Troop, it is encouraged to have one or both parents to participate in the Troop. It is the parents, after all, that keep this Troop running. There are many many many ways to volunteer your time and energies, some are critical positions that we need have filled, such as:

or, attending a Committee Meeting or the annual planning meeting, run one of the troop elections, and the list goes on.  Just ask your Committee Chairman.


This is not the Scoutmaster's Troop.  It is not the Committee's Troop.  It is YOUR Troop.  Please don't just show up.  Get involved.  Get trained.  Take an active role.  Your scout will be better off, you will be better off, and our Troop will continue to be great.  Thank you.

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life,

that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.

Ralph Waldo Emerson